Education without Character - Gandhi's 7 Social Deadly Sins

In the world, most countries try to find the ways how to make their country peace. They always find differences ways to make their country peace and develop. Some countries tried to use violent to find peace some countries tried to use non-violent to make their countries peace. Those are the social work that they think about their countries, but for individual greedy, anger and delusion are the defilement that made people can do everything that they want to do. Nowadays, we have a lot of wises but we do not know how many those wises people save the world? How they use their knowledge to create the peace for the world?  

On October 22, 1925, Mahatma Gandhi listed Seven Deadly Social Sins that he considered to be most spiritually damaging to humanity. Sometimes, they eventually came to be known as the Seven Blunders of the world. His list is relevant for all times, but it is not original with him. It is at the core of many of the sorrows and sins of our time.  The Seven Social Sins are: Politic without principles, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Education without Character, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience and last is worship without sacrifice. We don’t rise up all the seven our group just take only the “Education without Character” to show in this report. Before we discuss about the quote we want to make some questions that related to it. Why Gandhi said, Education without Character can make social sin? What country become when we use this quote? How can we solve this problem if one country uses this word to control the country? Before we start we show some literature review to make this report effectively for reading.

Education is the most important for all human being that they really need it so much, but the ways of using their knowledge or education is extremely important for human being. We will give some meaning of education and character and then will show the meaning of “Education without Character”. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world (Nelson Mandela). As our Buddha’s taught the wisdom is the weapon that can be cut all obstacles in life. But some persons that they educated and they try to use their education to destroy the world by using wrong ways, that is not the purpose of education. Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom (George Washington Carver).  Education is the movement from darkness to light (Allan Bloom). 

Education is simply the soul of society as it passes from one generation to another Gilbert K. Chesterton). All of these meaning that given by popular scholars in the world are very meaningful for all people that wish to learn to get the knowledge. I think that, the purposes of all quotes are good intention for using. But why some of people try to use their in the wrong ways? Character is the life of right conduct in relation to other persons and in relation to oneself (Aristotle). Character is a distinctive mark or sign, and individual pattern or behavior, and one’s moral constitution (Ryan and Bohlin, 1999).  Character is a tree and reputation is like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; and the tree is real thing (Abraham Lincoln). 

Character is both developed and revealed by test, and all of life is a test (Rich Warren). If we want to know clearly about man’s character, test it by associating with them. Character is for testing that someone has to consider ours. With our raised some quotes from scholars between Education and Character make us conclude that Education without Character is a person who has educated but do not use his/her knowledge or skills in the right ways. They try to use their knowledge to steal, to lie, to make weapon, and something else; especially they broke from five precepts.

The most of spiritual leaders like Buddhas, Dalai Lama, Samdech Chhun Nat, Abraham Lincoln, Samdech Maha Ghosananda and Mahatma Gandhi etc… They tried to make theories and teaching for human eliminates defilements like greedy, anger and delusion. The world has problems because some leaders have those three defilements like Khmer Rouge leaders, World War II and so on. In the comprehensive character education was addressed to many tough issues in education while developing positive in school climate. Character education it can be effective in any school setting, like Pannasastra University has the class of Education Character Building class to make the students clear about the moral of conduct. Education from this diverse array of school have transformed the school culture, reduced discipline referrals, increased academic achievement for all learners, developed global citizens, and improved job satisfaction and retention among teachers. 

One reaps what one sow (Buddha). It means, people have to know clear what they acted, it is their own. If we do bad the bad will come to, if we do good the good will come to. We have to do the good actions today, who know the death will come tomorrow? Won others, it is not name the win but your won yourself is better than win others. Character education includes and complements a broad range of educational approaches such as whole child education, service leaning, social-emotional learning and civic education. All share a commitment to helping young people become responsible, caring, and contributing citizens. It is good ways that teach young people by using the moral imagination, while we teach we should have to take examples with the most role models in the world that have been acted as a good character. This way can make them to imagine to become like them.  

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